Deze korte infomercial monteerde ik gedurende het eindexamen van mijn studie op het Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht. Het was aan de studenten om individueel met het aangeleverde video-en audiomateriaal a.d.h.v. een geschreven briefing aan de slag te gaan en een video te maken over CTRL.ONE sportbrillen. Eén van de eisen was het gebruik van splitscreen beeldindeling: het geschetste scenario was dat de video afgespeeld zou worden op 4 schermen in een fietsenwinkel in een 16:9 ratio indeling. Ondanks dat deze montage niet recent is afgerond, wil ik deze toch in mijn portfolio includeren, wegens de mijlpaal in mijn vroege carrière.
ENG: I created this short infomercial as my final exam work during my audiovisual study at Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht.
It was up to the students to individually work with a written briefing and the present visual and audio material to create a short video about the CTRL.ONE sports-shades. One of the restrictions was to use a split-screen view multiple times, as the video would be (fictionally) played in a bicycle store on 4 different screens in a 16:9 ratio formation. Despite it's not a recent work, I still want to include this video in my portfolio, as this work is quite a milestone in my young career.
It was up to the students to individually work with a written briefing and the present visual and audio material to create a short video about the CTRL.ONE sports-shades. One of the restrictions was to use a split-screen view multiple times, as the video would be (fictionally) played in a bicycle store on 4 different screens in a 16:9 ratio formation. Despite it's not a recent work, I still want to include this video in my portfolio, as this work is quite a milestone in my young career.